Grocery Innovations Canada

Des épiciers spécialisés aux indépendants en passant par les grandes chaînes et les exploitants d’entrepôts, les détaillants d’aliments de partout au Canada se réunissent chaque année lors de cet événement de deux jours pour faire croître leur entreprise. Faire du réseautage, collaborer et se connecter au moyen de conférences éducatives, d’ateliers et de discussions sur les tendances.

The Tree of Life booth at CHFA

For over 50 years, CHFA has set the standard for showcasing natural and organic products through the industry’s most prestigious trade events. These trade shows excel in education, innovation and networking opportunities across the entire industry. There will be 6,900+ industry professionals and 570 unique retail locations represented, but the best part? 87% of retail attendees have purchase-making authority.

The Tree of Life booth at Grocery & Specialty Food West

Even in today’s digital age, face-to-face communication remains essential for establishing, strengthening and maintaining business relationships. That’s what makes GSFW the premier B2B grocery and specialty food show of the year, bringing together retailers and manufacturers from across the nation to discover innovations and build relationships within the grocery industry.

The Tree of Life booth at CHFA

For over 50 years, CHFA has set the standard for showcasing natural and organic products through the industry’s most prestigious trade events. These trade shows excel in education, innovation and networking opportunities across the entire industry.
There will be 6,900+ industry professionals and 570 unique retail locations represented, but the best part? 87% of retail attendees have purchase-making authority.

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