Salty Snacks Remain the Top Choice for Canadians

Snacking is often portrayed as a misleading eating occasion, being associated with excessive, indulgent consumption. In truth, Canadians include a diverse range of categories in Snacking, with healthy and not-so-healthy choices included. The fundamental snacking definition is to satisfy and indulge one’s cravings. However, Canadians are looking to prioritize health & weight related concerns, without sacrificing the enjoyment and fun of snacking. Also, with food prices a going concern, consumers will seek value with their snacking purchases.

Canadians’ snacking preferences showcase the breadth and complexity of the Snacking occasion. Salty snacks remain the top choice, an indicator Canadians’ preference of savoury options. However, following shortly behind is fruits and vegetables, highlighting a balanced approach to snacking.

While wellbeing and value are foundational aspects to Snacking and can be considered a headwind to its’ categories, note that nearly two-thirds of Canadians snack on a daily basis. This high level of penetration indicates the importance of the occasion and the categories that fall within it. Opportunities for continued innovation include:

  • Flavour exploration – novelty flavours are often grounded in familiarity. As immigration continues to expand consumer growth, snack foods provide an introductory platform for global flavours.
  • Flexible options – flexible work arrangements continue to alter traditional meal patterns. Key to brand success is to address and highlight convenience, function and pleasure.
  • Minimize the sugar, focus on protein – two longstanding trends that address health & wellness as well as function; both will continue to hold high priority for consumers.

Mintel Canada, April 2024

Baked Goods Make Life Sweeter

Consumer trends//February 11, 2025

The scent of freshly baked goods has a magical way of filling a home with warmth and comfort. Whether it’s the rich aroma of chocolate chip cookies, cinnamon rolls, or a loaf of freshly baked bread, those smells create a sense of coziness and anticipation.  An impressive 82% of consumers enjoy baking, but it’s clear […]

2025 Trends & Expectations for the New Year

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The past year has been another food adventure full of innovation. While we often see common themes year after year, the trend evolution continues to bring new brands and line extensions to store shelves. Before we give a hint of what’s to come for 2025, let’s look at some of the big hits from 2024. […]

10 Culinary Trends to Try this Holiday Season

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